
Monday, July 26, 2010

Greetings Lovely Ones,
Do you have a friendship that is dear to your heart. If so make sure you cherish that friendship forever. I have a best friend that I have known for thirty four years. We met in kindergarten and have maintained a friendship since. We were tight all through elementary Jr. High and our first year of High School. You probably say well what happen. Did you have a fight or some huge argument that caused you to go your separate ways. The answer is absolutely not. We just needed to experience other friendships and create new experiences. We both enjoyed each others company whenever we would hang out but at the same time we were mature enough to understand ones needs, hobbies, and interest. You see a friend is not someone who is jealous hearted meaning feeling resentment toward someone because of their success or advantages. A friend is not a backstabber meaning they talk about you when you are not present and smile in your face or repeat to another friend a secret/ conversation you shared with one another. A friend does not by no means talk to, date, or sleep with your boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife or Ex for that matter. A friend does not compete meaning be in a state of rivalry. What has kept our friendship strong is not becoming caught up in all the drama of what I just mentioned. A friend is patient, kind, supportive, giving, trustworthy, and noble. There were important events in my best friends life and mine that we missed out on but we did not hold each other accountable. These last few years we have talked more than ever before and I am totally excited. The bond has always been present and we are inseparable meaning incapable of being separated. We use the word friendship so loosely everyone is not your friend. My mother told me that when I was a child. People are in your life for a reason, a season, or a Lifetime. This blog is dedicated to Latasha Porter-Bourne thank you so much for being the most fantabulous friend in the whole universe you are the best.
From my heart to yours,
Peace love and lots of blessings

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Woman to Woman

Greetings Lovely Ones,

Do you ever feel alone, misused, exhausted, unhappy, mis-understood, or just down right unappreciated. Have no fear a piece of advice is here. I am on a mission to help all women understand their worth. Regardless of what anyone says or how anyone treats you. You are priceless, wonderfully and fearfully made. Currently the world is evolving and the universe is giving you the opportunity to step into your total being with no consequences. I want you to stop worrying about what others are wearing, what kind of man another woman has, how extravagant others bank accounts and houses are and spend all that energy on rebuilding the love and commitment to your own spirit.

No matter how many material objects you acquire you will be miserable until you let go, let flow, and connect with your soul. Only then will you receive what your spirit desires because it was their all the while. Stop complaining and waiting for the right moment to Get Cute for You and just do it. When I say “Get Cute” I mean in every aspect of your life you need to take care of yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We spend so much time looking out and protecting everyone else that we get lost in the foolishness of this world and sometimes our own lives. I Dare You to find yourself under all the hats you wear and take flight full speed ahead with no guilt. From my Heart to Yours

Peace love and lots of blessings

Friday, July 16, 2010

Greetings Lovely Ones,

Today's Post is about relationships. At some point and time in our lives we have experienced in some shape or form a relationship. It starts from childhood the relationship you build with your family and peers then it gets deeper as you begin to establish a relationship with a partner. Is it strong and healthy or weak and poisonous. I hear people talk about this particular situation a lot. My advice stay away from the weak and poisonous type life is to short. Every since I was a child I always dreamed of having a strong and healthy relationship. That was more imperative to me than marriage even. Anybody can walk down the aisle in a stunning white dress and say I do but the task is staying married. I have had several relationships in the past and only one blossomed into what I dreamed of obtaining. My husband is the most awesome man for me.

We dated for almost 10 years before we decided to get married. I will give more detail in another post. I wanted to make sure we established a long term relationship. We learned a lot about each other within that time and I am so excited we dated first and became extremely good friends before leaping into a commitment that could have been a disaster. I just want to share with you a few tips of mine in creating a strong, healthy, secure relationship with a person you may be interested in going to the next level of life with.

Be open minded

Share your concern talk to one another communication is key.

Don’t settle but do not expect anything more than what you are willing to commit to yourself.

Be willing to compromise I know you can stop holding your breath now. What I mean by compromise is for example every year at Christmas you go to your grandmothers house it is tradition but your mate wants to go be with their family for the holiday this year do instead of making a big fuss play fair.

Consideration is really important always remember to not just think about yourself. Think we instead of me please get that me me me syndrome out of your head asap

Tell the truth no matter what because how can you expect honesty loyalty and commitment when you constantly violate this yourself.

Remember that no one is perfect if you cannot accept your mates imperfections then you need to move on to the next. Keep this side note on your mind the next person will have imperfections as well but do you choose to deal with it. You will have to deal with this matter at some point and time or else be prepare to spend a lot of your life alone.

I am not saying lower your standards but I am stating loud and clear meet him/her half way and see how far you get.

From my heart to yours
Peace love and lots of blessings

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Love Yourself

Lately I have been hearing a lot of people talk about finding love like Love is playing hide and seek. I am going to get right to the point with this post. There is an old cliche that goes" You have to give before you can receive." I know what you are thinking but you are wrong my dear. Yes I understand you have a lot of love to give but are you loving yourself first. See what happens is you meet someone you go out have fun, have so many interests in common, great conversation, and you may have a second or tenth date. Suddenly this person does not call you anymore. They will not answer your text, email, or your you tube video (lol).
Here is another scenario you may already be in a relationship probably married yes there are a lot of married unhappy people who are still searching for love in all the wrong places. There is no spice, trust, communication, or romance hardly ever. Beyonce's song "Why don't you love me" is constantly playing in rotation on your iPod.
Word of advice Love Yourself. You cannot expect someone to give you what you will not give to yourself. Real love is free I know from personal experience this is why I am writing about it. Some of you think well I love myself and others may feel well how am I suppose to do that. Not to worry let me share my heart to heart feelings on this subject. First I want you to go look in the mirror a full length mirror if you have one, look into your own eyes and look at every aspect of the physical you. Then find a quiet place and go within. Examine how you feel emotionally. Now I want you to get a notebook, a journal, a piece of paper, or use the notes section of your phone and write down what you see physically wrong with you for example maybe you have an issue with your nose, hair, weight, skin, breast, thighs, feet, attitude whatever the case maybe write it down.
Secondly, I know what you are thinking "Will she say change it" absolutely not I say embrace it. If you can change it without spending a fortune and going under the knife go for it. If not please embrace all of you the good the bad and what you think is ugly. Once you begin to love your total self you will be amazed at how everyone else looks at you and thinks of you. I know from experience. Believe it or not I was once confused too. When I was a teenager I wanted smaller lips because my mom has thin lips. I would stand in the mirror and put my lips together to see how I would look if my lips were like my mothers. No one teased me about my lips it was all in my head. One day I came to the realization of actually looking at my fathers facial features I had his lips. How could I not love something that was a part of not only my father but my DNA.
Recently I have been struggling with my big ole belly. No matter what I do sit ups, crunches, running, I even stopped eating meat and slowed down on my pasta intake nothing works. My fabulous husband had a sit down with me and said Babe you had three kids I love you just the way you are stop complaining. Now that made a difference but somehow I continued to feel disgusted with the fat belly because I had to embrace this issue I had to conquer the beast(fat belly) I went to the doctor and found that whenever you have a tubular ligation this can happen.
In closing the last point I want to make is make yourself a vision board or a goal poster. Include all the insecurities you have physically as well as mentally. Begin to work on yourself by focusing on what you wrote down. I want you to start from the inside out. Work on your emotions, attitude and temperament then begin to change the physical if you see something wrong after your journey within. Marinate on this time and time again people get all kinds of surgeries thinking they will be desired more or feel better afterward and sometimes that works but most cases it does not. This is because they do not love the inside. You have to fall in love with your own spirit.
From my heart to yours