I have been out of the loop for a few weeks now. I have surely missed writing. A few weeks ago I was running doing my normal exercise routine and began to experience chest pain. Three days prior to this I had a root canal and was under pain medication as well as an antibiotic. Physically I felt fine but obviously I was not. This situation was scary. I will not go into full detail but Later that day I went to the hospital had to stay five days and go through a series of test which were all negative.
I was so terrified my entire life flashed before my eyes. I promised God if he allowed me to make it through I would do more, live each day to the fullest, and not sweat the small stuff. I did not realize there is so much more I want to do, places I want to go and people I would love to meet and help. Immediately while laying in that hospital bed I had to say to myself " Self you are here on an assignment there is someone for you to meet, help or maybe hear what the Most High has to whisper to you because you are so busy".
The hospital is no place to rest it is a place to get treated. If you are not spiritually connected and in sound body and mind you could literally take your last breath at that place. They just want to give you lots of medication instead of finding what the real problem is. Everyone please take care of yourself. What I learned is I come first. Without me how will my children and husband receive proper care. I love my family but for the first time in my life I must listen to my own advice. I am recovering now with a new perspective about what life is. I know we live and we die but I have a lot to do here on earth. Remember this we are all created for his purpose some of us are fortunate enough to actually do what we absolutely love and some of us perform other responsibilities. Just be excited to breath everyday. Each time the sun rises is a new day for you to start over again.
From my heart to yours
Peace and Blessings