Greetings Lovely Ones,
Parenting is not an easy task. When you have a child or children it does not come with an instruction manual. Yes of course there are people that you can get advice from but no one has the real answers they only can offer you choices and give you their morals and values. I have three children. It was me and him my son that is for a long time before I decided to have more. I must admit I went back to work when he was only four months old because I did not want to get caught up in the county system like I seen so many others do. I wanted to be able to provide things and offer a hobby to my son. Now that I have two more children and work from home I see a difference in the way the children grew up. This may seem strange but I have more control and I mean this in a good way. My oldest son stayed with my mother. She stopped work for the first five years to help take care of him. Even though he went to pre-school as well as kindergarten I noticed a difference in his behavior and learning pattern verses the younger two that I was afforded the luxury to work from home. I am thankful that I noticed the situation and took action. My oldest did well in school but I see a difference in all three of my children. It just gets better with time. They all have special talents, very intellectual, and I see my son giving the younger two the same advice his dad and I gave him.
By me being a stay at home mom with a career I had more authority and control as far as what my children ate, watched on television, the curriculum they learned, and more interaction. This is important. My goal as a parent is to supply my children with as much knowledge, respect, morality, and value structure as I can. Things are petty. They will not remember the huge birthday party they had at the age of two, the light bright they got at Christmas when they were five, or the Nintendo Wii but you bet your last dollar they will remember the time I spend with them. Walking the dogs, picnics, reading to them a bedtime story, helping with homework, playing jump rope, laying in the bed watching movies on a Sunday morning, or even the lectures and punishments that is what they will remember and hopefully give to their own children someday. This is what I remember most from my childhood. I know in the way this economy is people cannot afford to stay home both parents have to work so if you have a career of a job remember to give your son or daughter a little bit of you.
I did not grow up with both of my parents in the household at the age of five my mom and dad separated but we did have a relationship with my father. I remember playing tennis, boardgames and cards with my mom and taking walks, playing in the park and having long intense talks with my father. I will never forget it. My parents did the best they could with what they had. Embrace all the opportunities you get to spend time with your own children and be thankful. There is no amount of money that can buy back time. Just know if you ever become afraid that you cannot financially provide for your child that new pair of shoes he think he needs, or the new IPad she think she wants you can always give the gift of TIME.
From my Heart to yours
Peace love and lots of blessings