
Friday, July 8, 2011

Greetings Facebook,

If you have not noticed in your news feed the video I have posted about locks/dreads I am here to inform you. I am apart of the youtube community and we are celebrating a day created by one of our fellow youtubers qochemist entitled "Loc Appreciation Day" This is major. In celebration of this day June 25th I decided to create this note about Natural Hair. I love my natural hair I embrace it to it's total capacity. I know that natural is not for everybody but i do believe if people had the knowledge they would be willing to at least try it. Now I am not degrading the sista's with the perms, weaves, or wigs in no way but I would like for the men and women to express their opinion on Natural Hair verses Permed Hair. I know women who have natural and processed hair. Most are confident of their choice but a few do it because they do not have the knowledge, they are keeping up with trend, or they are just simple brainwashed. Now what I mean by brainwashed is they do not know any better. On television and in the movies they lead us to believe that we need to look like somebody who we are not. This is not only with hair but it is with fashion, food, entertainment and the list goes on. We are not taught but instead ridiculed about our curly coils. Did you know that the Black Race has amazing natural hair. All you have to do is take care of it, do some research and start to nurture your lovely grade of hair. There is no such thing as good and bad hair that is another term used to trick you from being your natural self. Some of you may think I want to change you or the world for that matter into wearing your natural hair that is not true. I will tell you what I would like for you to get out of this article "Knowledge". I want you to know that you are beautiful no matter how you choose to wear your hair because after all it is an expression as to Who You Are.

I have had my dreads for eleven years before then I had natural long hair. I started my locks because it was always a style I wanted but was to afraid of what people would think. How long can you live life worrying about what people think. Do what makes you feel happy all over. Since I have had my dreads I know of at least ten people who got the courage to go natural themselves because of my confidence. Natural does not mean dreads or locks it simply means NO MORE CHEMICALS. One last point I would like to make before I end this note of knowledge if you choose not to wear your natural hair please think about this. Do not subject your daughters to chemicals allow them to make that choice on their own. My daughter wears her natural hair and it is always cute. She goes to school with all different cultures she does not get teased as a matter of fact the children and parents compliment her on the hairstyles she wears. My baby is only seven but she is confident and proud of her natural hair. Don't believe the hype people. In conclusion if you are not sure if you decide to try being natural you can still blow dry and straighten you hair. Just be careful and do not apply to much heat all the time. We want natural healthy hair. Their will be a conference at a resort in Miami in September called "A Million Queens all about natural hair. If you are interested check out their website. From my heart to yours