
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Gift of Time

Greetings Lovely Ones,
Parenting is not an easy task. When you have a child or children it does not come with an instruction manual. Yes of course there are people that you can get advice from but no one has the real answers they only can offer you choices and give you their morals and values. I have three children. It was me and him my son that is for a long time before I decided to have more. I must admit I went back to work when he was only four months old because I did not want to get caught up in the county system like I seen so many others do. I wanted to be able to provide things and offer a hobby to my son. Now that I have two more children and work from home I see a difference in the way the children grew up. This may seem strange but I have more control and I mean this in a good way. My oldest son stayed with my mother. She stopped work for the first five years to help take care of him. Even though he went to pre-school as well as kindergarten I noticed a difference in his behavior and learning pattern verses the younger two that I was afforded the luxury to work from home. I am thankful that I noticed the situation and took action. My oldest did well in school but I see a difference in all three of my children. It just gets better with time. They all have special talents, very intellectual, and I see my son giving the younger two the same advice his dad and I gave him.
By me being a stay at home mom with a career I had more authority and control as far as what my children ate, watched on television, the curriculum they learned, and more interaction. This is important. My goal as a parent is to supply my children with as much knowledge, respect, morality, and value structure as I can. Things are petty. They will not remember the huge birthday party they had at the age of two, the light bright they got at Christmas when they were five, or the Nintendo Wii but you bet your last dollar they will remember the time I spend with them. Walking the dogs, picnics, reading to them a bedtime story, helping with homework, playing jump rope, laying in the bed watching movies on a Sunday morning, or even the lectures and punishments that is what they will remember and hopefully give to their own children someday. This is what I remember most from my childhood. I know in the way this economy is people cannot afford to stay home both parents have to work so if you have a career of a job remember to give your son or daughter a little bit of you.
I did not grow up with both of my parents in the household at the age of five my mom and dad separated but we did have a relationship with my father. I remember playing tennis, boardgames and cards with my mom and taking walks, playing in the park and having long intense talks with my father. I will never forget it. My parents did the best they could with what they had. Embrace all the opportunities you get to spend time with your own children and be thankful. There is no amount of money that can buy back time. Just know if you ever become afraid that you cannot financially provide for your child that new pair of shoes he think he needs, or the new IPad she think she wants you can always give the gift of TIME.
From my Heart to yours
Peace love and lots of blessings

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nikki Minaj Pink Friday CD/Mac Lipstick

I have to admit I did not understand the hype female hip hop artist Nikki Minaj until I saw a live interview she did on the Wendy Williams show yesterday November 17th. She is amazing, articulate and very creative. I had no clue she went the theatrical school as a matter of fact the exact theatrical school that Madonna's daughter attended. Now I understand why she is so animated and over the top. I never try to judge anyone just because I do not like some of the music that is playing on MTV and the radio does not mean I cannot accept the person. I love to witness an extraordinary artist as they bloom like a beautiful orchid and spread their beautiful fragrance amongst the universe. The album is entitled Pink Friday which was suppose to drop tomorrow but was postponed until Monday November 22, 2010. Also the artist has signed on with Mac Cosmetics to launch a beautiful pink lipstick almost the shade as the Lady GaGa that will be available to order online only tomorrow November 19th. This is exclusive and will be available online Fridays only for four weeks. This is why the color is called Pink Friday 4. I believe the lipstick and album were suppose to be released together but you know how record labels are always have to procrastinate and tamper with the flow of things. All in all I must say this young female rapper is not as corny and uneducated as people perceive her to be. My son who is eighteen by the way explained this scenario to me when she first hit the airwaves on youtube. I feel she is adorable, has a great attitude about where she is going in her career. She has a bright future planned for her as long as she continues to stay focused, educated, and a team player. One more quality that I appreciate about this artist is she always pays homage to the female rappers who paved the way for her to enter into an industry that is predominantly male. For those of you who do not know she is the First Lady of Lil Wayne's Label (Young Money) Nikki Minaj the person seems to have a good heart Nikki Minaj the artist is clever and knows how to brand herself which is very imperative in the music business. Blessings to this Pink Power House.
From my heart to yours,
Peace and Blessings

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nothing is more important than YOU

I have been out of the loop for a few weeks now. I have surely missed writing. A few weeks ago I was running doing my normal exercise routine and began to experience chest pain. Three days prior to this I had a root canal and was under pain medication as well as an antibiotic. Physically I felt fine but obviously I was not. This situation was scary. I will not go into full detail but Later that day I went to the hospital had to stay five days and go through a series of test which were all negative.

I was so terrified my entire life flashed before my eyes. I promised God if he allowed me to make it through I would do more, live each day to the fullest, and not sweat the small stuff. I did not realize there is so much more I want to do, places I want to go and people I would love to meet and help. Immediately while laying in that hospital bed I had to say to myself " Self you are here on an assignment there is someone for you to meet, help or maybe hear what the Most High has to whisper to you because you are so busy".

The hospital is no place to rest it is a place to get treated. If you are not spiritually connected and in sound body and mind you could literally take your last breath at that place. They just want to give you lots of medication instead of finding what the real problem is. Everyone please take care of yourself. What I learned is I come first. Without me how will my children and husband receive proper care. I love my family but for the first time in my life I must listen to my own advice. I am recovering now with a new perspective about what life is. I know we live and we die but I have a lot to do here on earth. Remember this we are all created for his purpose some of us are fortunate enough to actually do what we absolutely love and some of us perform other responsibilities. Just be excited to breath everyday. Each time the sun rises is a new day for you to start over again.
From my heart to yours
Peace and Blessings

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall is finally here. I love this season because of the fashion (hats, boots, and coats) the holidays Thanksgiving happens to be my favorite because family and friends feast and give thanks in unity and of course nature ( you see the cycle of life in action). Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons due to in the fall all the leaves fall from the trees and they bloom again in spring. The Birds fly south and come back in the Spring most of the beautiful flowers die in the fall and are reborn in the spring. These two seasons really give me great reason to truly understand and know the Most High exist. This would not be possible without his power. Now that I am wiser I understand the circle of life it is happening all around us. In the fall things die and are reborn again in the spring. My challenge to my readers is if you have anything that you want to accomplish or a certain aspect of your life you want to change begin to work on it because it is a process. When Spring comes you will see a major difference if you continue to be diligent and persistent.
From my heart to yours,
Peace love and lots of blessings

Friday, September 10, 2010

Feeling Good

You feel good when you look good. Whatever that may be to you. You may get a new hair do, get a mani and a pedi, buy a new handbag or pair of shoes, a massage, facial, or a make-over whatever floats your boat. It is important to take care of your temple from the inside out as well. Exercise, drinking plenty of water, and eating healthy are key to feeling good. Sometimes we try to cover up how we feel with things which is a temporary high. If you want to be on cloud nine then take care of yourself. Here are a some tips. Get plenty of rest at least eight hours of rest. Research shows sleep is very important. If you are not sleeping well at night you probably need to consider new bedding, a pillow or mattress. Make sure you have a tidy bedroom with few distractions. Get yourself a sleep mask if your room is not dark enough. Keep all TV and music off when you are resting.Improper rest causes stress, pain and other issues. Secondly drink plenty of water especially if you live in a hot environment your body can dehydrate. Our bodies are about seventy percent water therefore we need for our muscles, skin, and organs. Eating healthy plays an important role as well. You need certain fruits and vegetables to maintain a good liver, great skin, working arteries, excellent vision I can go on and on. There is a book that talks about certain foods for certain blood types. Example I am A positive it tells me to stay away from certain meats fruits and vegetables and I find it to be true. I stopped eating meat not because it was cool to be vegetarian but this is a better way of life for me and my body.This is an important subject most diseases come from the way we do not take care of our bodies. Lastly exercise I know I know you hate it. Just think of it this way if you exercise you will live longer. Exercise to be healthy not to lose weight you will have more fun. If you own a dog walk it, If you have children jump rope or play tag with them, park your car far away from the store and walk instead of pulling right in front. Listen to your body get in touch with yourself know the do's and dont's. These are just a few tips I will share more later. Have fun and start your journey to a healthier you.
From my heart to yours
Peace blessings and lots of love.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Choose Love over Hate
Choose to eat to live over living to eat
Choose Faith over Fear
Choose wealth over riches
Choose wisdom over power cause knowledge is power
Choose to read a bedtime story to your children
Choose to be free in mind body and soul instead of bondage of the mind
Choose imported wine and delicious food over cheap beer and potato chips
Choose to smile at least once a day instead of a frown
Choose Spirituality over Religion
Choose celabacy anytime over just plain sex
Choose to speak the truth
Choose to put you first
Choose to spend time on your kids instead of money
Choose to be a blessing instead of a burden
Choose to love yourself like no one ever has
Choose to be spontaneous instead of being predictable
Choose to keep it real instead of being fake
Choose to empower Choose to share Choose to Care Choose to teach instead of preach
Choose to stay in the positive over gossip and slandering others
Choose furniture for your house that expresses your personality instead of following trend
Choose to check your own dirty laundry before you expose someone else
Choose to live your life the way you see it to hell with the way others think you should be
None of us are perfect the Most High God created us all with imperfections but he gave us all a special gift the RIGHT TO CHOOSE.
From my heart to yours
Peace and Blessings

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


As you can see I have dreads. My history with them is amazing ten years and counting. My dreads are apart of me. Where I go they go when the wind blows they follow how I feel is represented by every single strand and lock on my head. I decided to dread my hair because I always felt people with this way of life were conscious, free, open minded, intellectual, creative, brilliant, and innovative. This is me I walk to the beat (boom boom boom clack boom clack boom boom Tupac shed so many tears track) of my OWN drum. I get a lot of inquiries about my hair. The most craziest question is how do you wash your hair my response: With Shampoo just like you.
There is a profound history about the dread lock. We all know it dates back to Africa but some are confused as to how far back. In my research I have found that evidence of dreadlocks are found in Kemet known today as Egypt. Some associate the dread lock to the rastafarian religion which includes smoking ganga ( marijuana cush chronic weed) and listening to reggae music but being a true rasta is not based on those principles. It is based on being one with God (Jah) fighting the struggle of Babylon, eating healthy and keeping the body free from caffiene, drugs, meat, alcohol, and anything else that contaminates your temple.
In Kemet dreadlocks were only to be worn by the Kemetic Spriritual Master and Dogon Priest for a period of seven to thirteen years. It was a very sacred hairstyle. These spiritual figures healed the body and was responsible for procreation. The belief system for hair was it has emmiters and receptors which control the flow of energy. God gave Moses the ten commandments but the Priest in Kemet had seventy seven commandments.
King Tut had dreads and so did the Pharoahs. You see this is why some people get highly offended with people who are just wearing this as a hairstyle and ignorant to the lifestyle. It is different from a weave, blonde streaks, and hair extentions. Braids are even symbolic in the African Culture and apparently we have lost sight. My hypothesis is the reason why we do all these different styles with our hair and most take so much pride is due to the spiritual connection we once lost but remains present in our heart. When I made the decision to dread my hair I was on a spiritual journey, pregnant with my second son, discovering who I was all over again, re-building my relationship, disconnecting with all negativity and reconnecting with the love of my life meaning Myself. As I sat in that chair it was the most wonderful experience I shared in a salon filled with abundant prayer and good conversation. Every lock on my head was created in Agape Love. Lastly some not all wonder why I continue to use the term dreads instead of locks. What does dread mean the dictionary definition is extreme fear, fearful expectation or anticipation, be afraid of or frightend. Well I do not use it loosely this is what they say and this is how I interpret it "Yes beware and have extreme fear of my intellect" I did go through a point in my life where I said my hair is not dreadful but I realized that words mean different things to different cultures. I will not let the original term be translated into something so negative and dark. The term is embraced by many due to the struggle, rebellion, and sacrafices that were made and until I find the original word that was used in Kemet I will continue to refer to my lifestyle as a Dread Head. Dreadlocks are symbolic and can be a controversial subject. I prayer is people will read this article and become more cautious and sensative to this decision. Leave your biased opinions to yourself. Hope this key of information is the missing piece to the dreadlock puzzle.
From my heart to yours
Peace, love, and lots of blessings

Monday, July 26, 2010

Greetings Lovely Ones,
Do you have a friendship that is dear to your heart. If so make sure you cherish that friendship forever. I have a best friend that I have known for thirty four years. We met in kindergarten and have maintained a friendship since. We were tight all through elementary Jr. High and our first year of High School. You probably say well what happen. Did you have a fight or some huge argument that caused you to go your separate ways. The answer is absolutely not. We just needed to experience other friendships and create new experiences. We both enjoyed each others company whenever we would hang out but at the same time we were mature enough to understand ones needs, hobbies, and interest. You see a friend is not someone who is jealous hearted meaning feeling resentment toward someone because of their success or advantages. A friend is not a backstabber meaning they talk about you when you are not present and smile in your face or repeat to another friend a secret/ conversation you shared with one another. A friend does not by no means talk to, date, or sleep with your boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife or Ex for that matter. A friend does not compete meaning be in a state of rivalry. What has kept our friendship strong is not becoming caught up in all the drama of what I just mentioned. A friend is patient, kind, supportive, giving, trustworthy, and noble. There were important events in my best friends life and mine that we missed out on but we did not hold each other accountable. These last few years we have talked more than ever before and I am totally excited. The bond has always been present and we are inseparable meaning incapable of being separated. We use the word friendship so loosely everyone is not your friend. My mother told me that when I was a child. People are in your life for a reason, a season, or a Lifetime. This blog is dedicated to Latasha Porter-Bourne thank you so much for being the most fantabulous friend in the whole universe you are the best.
From my heart to yours,
Peace love and lots of blessings

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Woman to Woman

Greetings Lovely Ones,

Do you ever feel alone, misused, exhausted, unhappy, mis-understood, or just down right unappreciated. Have no fear a piece of advice is here. I am on a mission to help all women understand their worth. Regardless of what anyone says or how anyone treats you. You are priceless, wonderfully and fearfully made. Currently the world is evolving and the universe is giving you the opportunity to step into your total being with no consequences. I want you to stop worrying about what others are wearing, what kind of man another woman has, how extravagant others bank accounts and houses are and spend all that energy on rebuilding the love and commitment to your own spirit.

No matter how many material objects you acquire you will be miserable until you let go, let flow, and connect with your soul. Only then will you receive what your spirit desires because it was their all the while. Stop complaining and waiting for the right moment to Get Cute for You and just do it. When I say “Get Cute” I mean in every aspect of your life you need to take care of yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We spend so much time looking out and protecting everyone else that we get lost in the foolishness of this world and sometimes our own lives. I Dare You to find yourself under all the hats you wear and take flight full speed ahead with no guilt. From my Heart to Yours

Peace love and lots of blessings

Friday, July 16, 2010

Greetings Lovely Ones,

Today's Post is about relationships. At some point and time in our lives we have experienced in some shape or form a relationship. It starts from childhood the relationship you build with your family and peers then it gets deeper as you begin to establish a relationship with a partner. Is it strong and healthy or weak and poisonous. I hear people talk about this particular situation a lot. My advice stay away from the weak and poisonous type life is to short. Every since I was a child I always dreamed of having a strong and healthy relationship. That was more imperative to me than marriage even. Anybody can walk down the aisle in a stunning white dress and say I do but the task is staying married. I have had several relationships in the past and only one blossomed into what I dreamed of obtaining. My husband is the most awesome man for me.

We dated for almost 10 years before we decided to get married. I will give more detail in another post. I wanted to make sure we established a long term relationship. We learned a lot about each other within that time and I am so excited we dated first and became extremely good friends before leaping into a commitment that could have been a disaster. I just want to share with you a few tips of mine in creating a strong, healthy, secure relationship with a person you may be interested in going to the next level of life with.

Be open minded

Share your concern talk to one another communication is key.

Don’t settle but do not expect anything more than what you are willing to commit to yourself.

Be willing to compromise I know you can stop holding your breath now. What I mean by compromise is for example every year at Christmas you go to your grandmothers house it is tradition but your mate wants to go be with their family for the holiday this year do instead of making a big fuss play fair.

Consideration is really important always remember to not just think about yourself. Think we instead of me please get that me me me syndrome out of your head asap

Tell the truth no matter what because how can you expect honesty loyalty and commitment when you constantly violate this yourself.

Remember that no one is perfect if you cannot accept your mates imperfections then you need to move on to the next. Keep this side note on your mind the next person will have imperfections as well but do you choose to deal with it. You will have to deal with this matter at some point and time or else be prepare to spend a lot of your life alone.

I am not saying lower your standards but I am stating loud and clear meet him/her half way and see how far you get.

From my heart to yours
Peace love and lots of blessings

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Love Yourself

Lately I have been hearing a lot of people talk about finding love like Love is playing hide and seek. I am going to get right to the point with this post. There is an old cliche that goes" You have to give before you can receive." I know what you are thinking but you are wrong my dear. Yes I understand you have a lot of love to give but are you loving yourself first. See what happens is you meet someone you go out have fun, have so many interests in common, great conversation, and you may have a second or tenth date. Suddenly this person does not call you anymore. They will not answer your text, email, or your you tube video (lol).
Here is another scenario you may already be in a relationship probably married yes there are a lot of married unhappy people who are still searching for love in all the wrong places. There is no spice, trust, communication, or romance hardly ever. Beyonce's song "Why don't you love me" is constantly playing in rotation on your iPod.
Word of advice Love Yourself. You cannot expect someone to give you what you will not give to yourself. Real love is free I know from personal experience this is why I am writing about it. Some of you think well I love myself and others may feel well how am I suppose to do that. Not to worry let me share my heart to heart feelings on this subject. First I want you to go look in the mirror a full length mirror if you have one, look into your own eyes and look at every aspect of the physical you. Then find a quiet place and go within. Examine how you feel emotionally. Now I want you to get a notebook, a journal, a piece of paper, or use the notes section of your phone and write down what you see physically wrong with you for example maybe you have an issue with your nose, hair, weight, skin, breast, thighs, feet, attitude whatever the case maybe write it down.
Secondly, I know what you are thinking "Will she say change it" absolutely not I say embrace it. If you can change it without spending a fortune and going under the knife go for it. If not please embrace all of you the good the bad and what you think is ugly. Once you begin to love your total self you will be amazed at how everyone else looks at you and thinks of you. I know from experience. Believe it or not I was once confused too. When I was a teenager I wanted smaller lips because my mom has thin lips. I would stand in the mirror and put my lips together to see how I would look if my lips were like my mothers. No one teased me about my lips it was all in my head. One day I came to the realization of actually looking at my fathers facial features I had his lips. How could I not love something that was a part of not only my father but my DNA.
Recently I have been struggling with my big ole belly. No matter what I do sit ups, crunches, running, I even stopped eating meat and slowed down on my pasta intake nothing works. My fabulous husband had a sit down with me and said Babe you had three kids I love you just the way you are stop complaining. Now that made a difference but somehow I continued to feel disgusted with the fat belly because I had to embrace this issue I had to conquer the beast(fat belly) I went to the doctor and found that whenever you have a tubular ligation this can happen.
In closing the last point I want to make is make yourself a vision board or a goal poster. Include all the insecurities you have physically as well as mentally. Begin to work on yourself by focusing on what you wrote down. I want you to start from the inside out. Work on your emotions, attitude and temperament then begin to change the physical if you see something wrong after your journey within. Marinate on this time and time again people get all kinds of surgeries thinking they will be desired more or feel better afterward and sometimes that works but most cases it does not. This is because they do not love the inside. You have to fall in love with your own spirit.
From my heart to yours

Monday, June 28, 2010


Greetings Lovely Ones,
This is my very first blog post on Monday June 28, 2010. I absolutely love to write and have contemplated the idea of pursuing my passion for years until suddenly I had an epiphany create a blog. This feels so right to follow my heart. This blog will be about beauty, love, life, fashion, food, marriage, motherhood, music, movies, and poetry just to name a few. Writing is my cup of coffee if you catch my drift. Whenever I am sad or extremely overjoyed I write about it. My collection of journals over the years is mind blowing. In the future I see myself authoring children's books, a collection of my personal poems, and short stories. This is an exciting journey for me procrastination free.
Everyone who reads this post I would love for you to think long and hard what it is you are passionate about. If there is more than one idea make a list and choose. Then execute the plan. You see so many of us give up on what we love in order to pursue other life responsibilities and get lost in the world wind. However, it is never to late to re-invent yourself focus on what really matters to YOU. If you are a person who has discovered your passion already you go girl or you go boy full speed ahead. Take care people until next time.
Peace love and lots of Blessings